For this assignment, I was tasked with creating a photorealistic image based off of an image of my choosing. Because I've always wanted to try my hand at painting fruit realistically, I decided to dip my toes into the greatest muse of artists across the ages and see how my work would turn out. 

To get my art to look as close to the image as I could, I had to go back multiple times and manipulate the shades and highlights of the fruit in multiple different areas. I also had to keep in mind of where my light sources were in the image as well. It wouldn't be good if an onlooker saw the apple, then looked at the orange and noticed there was a discrepany in where the light hit both of the the fruits, especially when they are so close together in the image.

Although the result of my labors isn't the most photorealistic of images, I still think I did a good job of capturing the likeness of the fruits. The circular pattern in the back gives the image a nice aesthetic and helps accentuate the bright colors of the fruit. Finally, although a bowl wasn't presant in the original image of the fruit that I found, I wanted to add it in to really bring together the image and give it a sense of unity and neatness.
Fruit Bowl

Fruit Bowl
